


UX revamp

We have completely revamped the design of the homepage and editor. More updates are on the way!
A screenshot of backend integration in GPT Engineer

New agent flow

We have been building and testing a more "agentic" flow that should feel more conversational, flexible, and in the long term also more resilient that our "classic" flow.
Prefer the classic method? No problem—you can easily opt out in Settings before starting a new project.
Note: Once you create a project using a given modality, you cannot change the modality.
A screenshot of tech stack selection GPT Engineer

Page selector

You can now preview any page directly by selecting it from our newly added page selector dropdown.
A screenshot of model selection in GPT Engineer

Images in prompt

Guide GPT Engineer’s responses more effectively by attaching images to your prompts. Try it with a mockup or color theme today!
Note: For best results, make sure you reference the image in the prompt so that the agent uses it in the desired manner
A screenshot of model selection in GPT Engineer

NPM Packages

Now, adding advanced features like graphs, drag & drop, and maps is easier. GPT Engineer automatically installs the NPM packages your will need for this.

Contacting us

We're always happy to hear any feedback you have. To reach us, you can:



Integrate Your Custom Backend with GPT-Engineer

You can now use GPT Engineer to build a frontend that will work with an existing backend services, by specifying your API's OpenAPI specification URL in the project settings. Once you do this, GPT Engineer will become aware of your backend's capabilities and take this into consideration when iterating on the frontend.
To enable consult our Backend Integration Documentation.
A screenshot of backend integration in GPT Engineer

Expanded support to new Tech Stacks

Have you ever wanted to create a project using Tailwind? We've now introduced support for additional tech-stacks beyond React + Chakra UI, including:
  • Tailwind with React
  • Simple HTML
  • Tailwind & Daisy UI
Choose your stack in the Advanced Settings before initiating a new project generation.
A screenshot of tech stack selection GPT Engineer

New Foundation Model Integration

Accelerate your project builds with our new integration of the Claude 3 Haiku model — expect gains in speed and efficiency.
A screenshot of model selection in GPT Engineer

Contacting us

We're always happy to hear any feedback you have. To reach us, you can:


  • Added a custom 404 page for instances where a project is not found.
  • Added more troublehoot tips to the modal shown for improve errors.



  • Improved styling of edit cards.
  • Generate projects with new foundation model Claude 3 Opus.
  • Simplified user experience when transferring Github projects.


  • Fixed claimable projects so that they are in fact claimable.



  • New projects now come with a config file gpt-engineer.toml.
  • Made the AI more stable when it has to do many similar code changes.
  • Reduced number of comments in generated code, thereby improving reliability.


  • Fixed "Connect to Github" button sometimes appearing even though already connected to Github.
  • GPT Engineer now works with private Github projects (as long as the app is installed).
  • Fixed issue where users were sometimes logged out unnecessarily.


It is now possible to transfer projects to your own Github account! Just go to the project settings and click "Connect to Github".




  • Fixed issue where output from the bug fixing step would be shown under "Planning".




  • Fixed issue where previews were sometimes not refreshed on new edits.
  • Improved loading times for projects with many edits.
  • Fixed streaming output when opening same page in multiple tabs.



  • Added "Revert to this version" action to make it easier to go back to an earlier edit.


  • Fixed issue where AI would sometimes replace code by a comment.
  • When a project is deleted, the corresponding Gitlab repo is now also deleted
A screen capture of reverting to a previous version in GPT Engineer
Revert to previous version



  • Launched an Experimental "GPT Engineer" GPT in the GPT Store.
  • Sync pushed git commits by devs with editor.
  • Reduced number of comments in generated code, thereby improving reliability.


  • Fixed plan/summary being inaccessible from the UI if an error occurs.
Syncing git commits with the editor

We're Lovable.

We're unlocking human creativity, by enabling anyone to create software.